If you have been searching for custom Mixed Martial Arts equipment like custom rashguards, bjj gis, boxing or MMA gloves or shorts for your gym or your brand than your search is over. PAKMMA has been, along with training fighters and promoting the sport of MMA in Pakistan and South Asia in general, working with custom MMA gear manufacturing.
Who else in Pakistan could be more qualified and knowledgeable about the sport and it’s equipment requirements than PAKMMA? Search the current manufacturers throughout the country (maybe even all throughout Asia!) and find one that trains in MMA…fights in MMA or even WATCHES MMA? You probably won’t, and if you ever do please let us know! (We would love to add them to our network)
Take PAKMMA’s equipment to quality, knowledge of the sport and its requirements and combine that with largest manufacturing base in the world for MMA gear, and you have yourself the world’s BEST producer for custom MMA gear.
We’ll make any type of customised MMA gear with the latest features on the market or your own original design to set yourself apart from others.
Whether you need a customised pair of shorts for you upcoming fight, a tailored fit gi, custom gloves and striking mitts for your gym or some kick ass rash guards for that brand you’ve always to create, we are here for you.
Check out the catalogue below and feel free to contact us through the form.